Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rounding things out...

Project Update

Whipped up a couple of backend scripts to handle adjusting the what Twitter users and which terms are tracked for the daemon. Also, created one to create Events for events listed in a Google Calendar.  These will probably just run as cron jobs every hour and once a day. 

Populating the Google calendar with the events necessitated creating a couple of small scripts to scrape the match listings on the EPL site to download the .ics files, then I looked at the .ics file associated with another calendar to figure out the format to combine all the separate event .ics files.  In the end I now have the current EPL schedule in a Google calendar.  Should be easy to make changes to the events when the schedule changes due to unforeseen circumstances ;-). 

I think this system should set things up nicely for a pretty automated go live.  Just need to have each team setup before hand.  It was a manual process to get each of the EPL teams in the system.  Fortunately the EPL site has links to each teams Twitter feed embedded at the bottom of their page. 

Chain Update

Been a few days since I've posted anything new.  We travelled a lot last weekend and it was a little hard to get the time in.  Had to split a couple of days between coding and design reading.  Working from a hotel this week hasn't been bad.  Kind of fun to work all day then go out at night in a somewhat exotic location.  More exotic than normal anyway.

Party On!

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